Kampong Cham

Fresh sugar cane juice

Is sold on literally every corner in the city center area. some of the sugar cane presses are engine driven others require manually turning the wheel. it's fun to watch and makes a refreshing drink. try out a few vendors since the taste is always a bit different about 1000 riel a glass.

Riverside Beers

In the late afternoon and early evening, food and drink stalls set up shop here opposite the mekong hotel right on the riverfront. trees line the side of the road, making it a great place to pitch up a hammock, crack open a bottle of angkor beer, and strike up a conversation with any of the motodop drivers who will congregate here of course they'll be asking you what your plans are and where you're going the next day. beers are 2,000 riel a pop, and any of the stands will stay open as late as you want to sell drinks to you.